Does an ingrown toenail need surgery?

Whereas there are certainly instances when we will recommend ingrown toenail surgery, not all cases need to be handled in this manner.

Generally speaking, the determining factor as to whether or not we recommend surgery is the severity of the condition. In the case of a nail that is mildly ingrown, you may actually be able to handle it on your own at home (if you are not diabetic). You will basically need to soak your foot to reduce swelling and tenderness, then gently lift the ingrown portion and place a fresh bit of waxed dental floss underneath to encourage the nail to grow above the skin. Afterward, apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.

If home care isn’t helping, come see us here at Wilks Advanced Foot Care. We might be able to resolve the problem without surgery, but there are instances where we will need to either partially or completely remove the affected toenail.

No matter if you need to schedule an appointment with our Roseburg, OR office, or you just simply would like more information, contact us by calling (541) 673-0742. You can also contact us online today!

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