Get a Jump on Juvenile Bunions

A Google search for “awkward teenage moments” brings up over 4 million results, which should be of no surprise to anyone who was ever a teenager! Adolescent awkwardness has provided an abundance of material for pop culture, including such seminal teen movies as Sixteen CandlesMean GirlsWeird Science, and Napoleon Dynamite.

At Wilks Advanced Foot Care, we know those teenage years already make up an awkward period in one’s life, but they’re only worse when juvenile bunions enter the picture. Fortunately, we have some tips to share that will help!

When it comes to treating juvenile bunions, the best place to start is at home. Let’s begin by looking at the following home remedies that might help:

  • Avoiding certain activities – Exercises that place a lot of pressure on the foot can cause pain and irritate the condition. Instead of having your son or daughter give up exercising, encourage activities that keep pressure off the affected area like bicycling or swimming.
  • Switching footwear – Choosing shoes that have good arch support, flat or low heels, and deep, wide toe boxes (areas in the front of shoes) will keep unnecessary pressure off the bunion, which can then lessen pain and discomfort.
  • Medication – Various pain relievers—acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—can be effective for not only reducing discomfort, but also reducing inflammation. As always, be sure to consult with us for dosage recommendations.
  • Ice – Icing the joint for about 15 minutes at a time will also help to decrease levels of pain and inflammation. Remember to wrap the ice in a thin cloth or towel to prevent damaging your skin.

If home care for a bunion or any common child foot problem provides less than optimal results, it may be time for professional treatment. Bring your son or daughter in to our Roseburg, OR podiatry office and our experts will begin developing a treatment plan that works. Call us today at (541) 673-0742 or use our online form to request an appointment with Wilks Advanced Foot Care.

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