Staying Active When You Have a Bunion

It can be incredibly frustrating when bunion pain gets in the way of your plans to run, exercise, or play favorite sports. Physical activity is obviously necessary for your overall health and wellbeing, so what are you to do? Well, the good news is that there are actually ways of staying active with a bunion.

Bunions are fairly common toe deformities that develop when your big toe’s metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint—the joint where it connects to your foot—is pushed out of alignment. You can recognize this condition by the distinctive bump that develops on the inside edge of your foot. Another visual sign is a big toe that angles inward, towards the four smaller toes.

The resulting protrusion can become irritated quite easily, especially from pressure and friction. Repetitive pressure during running (or other physical activity) leads to additional pain in the front of your foot, but we have some tips that can help:

  • Start your search for relief with footwear. If your running shoes do not have a wide toe box, try switching to a pair that does. This will keep pressure off the sensitive bump.
  • If your bunion is not particularly prominent, padding can prevent a painful situation. Need help with this? Just contact our office and we will be happy to assist.
  • You may benefit from custom orthotics. Our office can measure your feet, analyze your gait, and create a custom pair of orthotics that work for you.
  • Properly taping your foot might help you stay active with this condition. We can do this for you and provide instructions on how to do it yourself.
  • Incorporate low-impact exercises into your training by replacing some of your running with swimming, yoga, or bicycling. Yoga, in particular, can be beneficial if you have been altering your gait to accommodate the painful condition.

Whether you need treatment for bunion pain or simply have questions about how it affects your ability to perform physical activity, Wilks Advanced Foot Care is here for you! Our team is ready to handle any foot or ankle condition causing you pain or taking away your ability to do the things you love. Either use our online form to connect with us or call (541) 673-0742 today to request an appointment with our Roseburg, OR office.

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